E-commerce Marketing!

Ecommerce Growth Hack: How to Build Your Online Community for Your Ecommerce Business 2

In today’s digital age, where competition in the ecommerce industry is fierce, building a strong and engaged community around your brand has become a game-changer. It goes beyond just selling products; it’s about cultivating a sense of belonging, establishing a loyal customer base, and creating a passionate community that advocates for your brand. This approach has proven to be instrumental in driving organic growth, enhancing brand advocacy, and setting the stage for long-term success.

When customers feel connected to a community centered around your brand, they become more than just consumers; they become active participants, sharing their experiences, insights, and feedback. This sense of belonging instills a deeper connection and loyalty to your brand, increasing customer retention and lifetime value.

Moreover, an engaged community becomes a powerful marketing force for your ecommerce business. Satisfied community members become brand advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and recommending your products or services to their networks. This organic form of marketing carries immense weight, as people are more likely to trust recommendations from their peers rather than traditional advertising. Harnessing the power of your community’s advocacy can lead to significant growth in customer acquisition and brand visibility.


Let’s explore why it’s crucial and highlight some remarkable success stories of brands that have leveraged online communities to their advantage.

  1. Deepening Customer Engagement: By building an online community, brands can foster deeper engagement with their customers. An excellent example of this is Glossier, a beauty and skincare brand. Glossier has created an online community through their platform, Glossier Play. They encourage their customers to share product reviews, beauty tips, and engage in discussions. This active participation cultivates a strong bond between Glossier and its customers, resulting in increased loyalty and brand advocacy.


  • Enhancing Brand Loyalty: Online communities provide a space for customers to connect with like-minded individuals who share an affinity for a brand. A brand that exemplifies this is Peloton. Peloton has created an interactive online community for their fitness enthusiasts. Users can participate in virtual group workouts, track their progress, and even compete with one another. This sense of community and healthy competition fosters a strong sense of brand loyalty, driving customer retention and advocacy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  • Driving User-Generated Content: An online community can serve as a powerful source of user-generated content (UGC), which is essential for social proof and brand authenticity. Airbnb, the popular accommodation rental platform, has successfully built an online community by encouraging hosts and guests to share their travel experiences and recommendations. This UGC not only enhances the overall user experience but also serves as a powerful marketing tool, attracting new users and boosting trust in the brand.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  • Cultivating Product Innovation: Online communities can also play a pivotal role in driving product innovation. LEGO, the iconic toy brand, has created an online community called LEGO Ideas. This platform allows LEGO enthusiasts to submit their own designs, which are then voted on by the community. If a design receives enough votes, LEGO may choose to produce it as an official set. This approach not only engages the community in the product development process but also leads to the creation of new, innovative products that resonate with their passionate fan base.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  • Expanding Customer Support: An online community can be an invaluable resource for customer support and problem-solving. Apple, the renowned technology company, has a robust online community forum where customers can ask questions, share tips, and seek assistance. This community-driven support system empowers customers to help one another and reduces the strain on traditional customer support channels. It also creates a sense of belonging and support among Apple users.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

According to internet pundit Kevin Kelly, success as a creator doesn’t require millions of dollars or customers. In fact, to make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, or any other creative professional, you only need thousands of true fans. But who exactly is a true fan? They are the ones who passionately support your brand, eagerly purchasing anything you produce and going the extra mile to engage with your content.

True fans are the equivalent of rockstar enthusiasts for adults. They are the dedicated individuals who will drive for hours to attend your concert, buy multiple versions of your book, or even request permission to create their own merchandise when you don’t offer it. These fanatics are crucial to your success because they form the foundation of your brand community.

So, instead of chasing after millions of customers or trying to appeal to the masses, concentrate on building a genuine and dedicated community around your brand. By nurturing and harnessing the power of your true fans, you can create a sustainable and thriving business that revolves around the passionate support of those who truly resonate with your brand’s values and offerings.



2) Building an Influencer Program: Unlocking the Power of Authentic Brand Partnerships


Hiring influencers who align with your target audience can help amplify your brand’s message and reach. However, building an effective influencer program goes beyond mere collaborations; it requires fostering authentic relationships and identifying brand advocates who genuinely resonate with your brand.Lets explore some crucial steps to enhance Influencer Program to establish an Ecommerce Brand.


  • Step 1: Define Your Goals and Target Audience: Before diving into influencer partnerships, it’s crucial to define your program’s goals and identify your target audience. Clearly articulate what you aim to achieve, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or fostering engagement. Understanding your audience’s demographics, interests, and preferences will help you select influencers who can authentically connect with and influence your core consumer base.                  


  • Step 2: Seek Authenticity and Relevance: When selecting influencers, focus on relevance and authenticity. Look for individuals who genuinely align with your brand values, aesthetics, and target audience. An excellent example of this is Huckberry’s partnership with renowned photographer Chris Burkard. With a shared passion for outdoor adventures and stunning landscapes, Burkard’s content naturally showcased Huckberry’s apparel and gear, resonating with their target audience. Authenticity ensures that influencer partnerships feel genuine, avoiding the perception of “shilling for a paycheck.”                 


  • Step 3: Engage Your Community: Sometimes, the ideal influencers may already be part of your community. Your brand advocates, who genuinely love and engage with your products, can become powerful “brand ambassadors.” They already have a vested interest in your brand’s success and can authentically share their experiences with your products or services. Prioritize nurturing these relationships by providing exceptional customer experiences, exclusive offers, and opportunities to engage with your brand on a deeper level.                        


  • Step 4: Build Strong Relationships: Effective influencer partnerships are built on strong relationships. Approach potential influencers with genuine interest and care. Take the time to understand their values, creative style, and audience. Offer personalized branded gift packs to show your appreciation and build rapport before discussing any collaboration. Building relationships based on mutual respect and shared values lays the foundation for long-term and meaningful influencer partnerships.    


  • Step 5: Collaborate on Authentic Campaigns: Work closely with influencers to develop campaigns that align with their creative style and resonate with their audience. Provide them with creative freedom while ensuring that the content reflects your brand’s messaging and goals. This collaborative approach allows influencers to create content that feels authentic and natural to their audience, resulting in a higher level of engagement and trust.            


  • Step 6: Track, Measure, and Optimize:It’s crucial to track the performance and impact of your influencer campaigns. Monitor key metrics such as engagement rates, reach, conversions, and sentiment analysis. Evaluate the success of each collaboration and make data-driven decisions to optimize future influencer partnerships. Additionally, encourage influencers to provide feedback and insights to further refine your influencer program.                                           
  • 3) Choosing the Right Platform for Your Ecommerce Community

Selecting the right platform for your ecommerce community is crucial to ensure its success and effectiveness. With numerous options available, including social media groups, dedicated forums, and custom community platforms, it’s important to consider several factors before making a decision. Here’s a detailed exploration of the key considerations when choosing the platform for your online community:


  • Define Your Community’s Objectives: Begin by defining the goals and objectives of your community. Determine the purpose it will serve, such as fostering engagement, providing support, or facilitating knowledge sharing. Understanding your community’s specific needs will guide you in selecting a platform that aligns with those objectives.


  •  Consider User Experience and Ease of Use: Choose a platform that offers a user-friendly interface and smooth navigation. The platform should be intuitive and easy for community members to join, participate, and access the desired content. A streamlined user experience is crucial to encourage engagement and minimize barriers to entry.                             
  • Evaluate Scalability and Growth Potential: Consider the scalability of the platform to accommodate the growth of your community over time. Assess whether the platform can handle increased activity, larger membership numbers, and additional features as your community expands. It’s essential to choose a platform that can grow alongside your community.                        


  • Assess Privacy and Data Security: Privacy and data security are paramount when selecting a platform. Ensure that the platform adheres to appropriate data protection regulations and offers robust security measures. Members should feel confident that their personal information is secure within the community environment.                      


  • Determine Features and Functionality: Identify the features and functionality that are essential for fostering engagement and interaction within your community. Look for platforms that offer discussion boards, direct messaging capabilities, content sharing options, member profiles, notifications, and search functionalities. Consider whether the platform supports integrations with other tools and systems that are important for your community’s activities.       


  • Analyze Mobile-Friendliness: Given the prevalence of mobile devices, it’s crucial to choose a platform that is mobile-friendly and responsive. Community members should be able to access and engage with the community seamlessly from their smartphones or tablets. Mobile compatibility is essential for maximizing participation and ensuring a positive user experience.                          


  • Explore Community Management Tools: Evaluate the community management tools provided by the platform. Look for features that allow you to monitor discussions, moderate content, handle member requests, and analyze community metrics. Effective community management tools will streamline your administrative tasks and help you maintain a well-functioning community environment.                      


  • Consider Integration with Existing Systems: If you have existing systems or tools in place, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software or marketing automation platforms, consider whether the community platform integrates with these systems. Integration can help streamline data management, enhance user experiences, and provide a cohesive ecosystem for your community.                         


  • Seek Feedback and Reviews: Research and gather feedback from other community managers or businesses that have utilized the platforms you are considering. Look for reviews, testimonials, or case studies that highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. Their insights can provide valuable information and perspectives to aid in your decision-making process.                                


  • Plan for Long-Term Viability: Consider the long-term viability and sustainability of the platform. Assess the platform provider’s track record, reliability, and commitment to ongoing development and support. Choosing a platform with a strong reputation and a company that is dedicated to continuously improving its offerings will provide stability for your community’s future growth.                                  


Creating Valuable and Relevant Content for Your Ecommerce Community


Developing a content strategy that provides value to your ecommerce community is essential for fostering engagement, encouraging participation, and building a thriving community environment. By offering valuable and relevant content, you can establish yourself as a trusted resource and keep your community members actively involved. Here are some key steps to create compelling content for your ecommerce community:             


  • Understand Your Community’s Interests: Gain a deep understanding of your community members’ interests, preferences, and pain points. Conduct surveys, analyze feedback, and actively listen to their conversations within the community. By understanding their needs, you can create content that resonates and addresses their specific challenges or aspirations.


  • Offer Educational Resources: Provide educational resources that empower your community members with knowledge and insights related to your industry, products, or niche. This can include informative articles, how-to guides, video tutorials, or webinars. By sharing valuable educational content, you position yourself as an authority and help community members enhance their skills and understanding.


  • Share Exclusive Product Updates: Give your community members exclusive access to product updates, sneak peeks, or early releases. This makes them feel valued and part of an exclusive insider group. Offering behind-the-scenes glimpses into your product development process can also generate excitement and anticipation, fueling engagement and discussions within the community.


  • Provide Expert Tips and Advice: Tap into your industry expertise and share valuable tips, advice, and best practices with your community. This can include actionable insights, strategies, or trends that can help members succeed in their endeavors. By positioning yourself as a valuable source of information, you establish credibility and build trust within the community.


  • Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC): Empower your community members to contribute their own content and experiences. Encourage them to share product reviews, testimonials, success stories, or creative projects related to your brand. User-generated content not only adds authenticity but also fosters a sense of ownership and pride among community members.


Recognize and Reward Community Contributions:

Acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of your community members is crucial for fostering a sense of belonging, encouraging active engagement, and building a loyal community. By recognizing and rewarding their efforts, you show your appreciation and create a positive environment that encourages continued participation. Here are some effective strategies to recognize and reward community contributions:

  • Providing Exceptional Customer Support in Your Online Community

Exceptional customer support is a vital component of building a thriving online community for your ecommerce business. By utilizing your community as a platform for customer support, you can foster engagement, enhance member satisfaction, and build long-term loyalty. Here are some key strategies to provide exceptional customer support within your online community:

Create a Supportive Environment: Establish a welcoming and supportive environment within your online community. Encourage members to ask questions, seek help, and share their experiences openly. Foster a culture where community members feel comfortable reaching out for assistance. Emphasize that no question is too small or insignificant and that their inquiries are valued and will be promptly addressed.

  • Monitor Community Discussions: Regularly monitor community discussions to stay informed about questions, concerns, and feedback shared by your community members. Be proactive in identifying and addressing customer support-related conversations. Stay engaged with the community, ensuring that no inquiries go unnoticed or unanswered.


  • Respond Promptly and Professionally: Respond promptly to customer inquiries and concerns within the community. Aim to provide timely and helpful responses, even if you may need to follow up later with additional information or assistance. Show professionalism, empathy, and a genuine desire to help community members resolve their issues. Prompt and thoughtful responses demonstrate your commitment to excellent customer support.
  • Provide Accurate and Helpful Information: When addressing customer inquiries or issues, provide accurate and helpful information. Strive to address their concerns thoroughly and guide them toward a solution. If necessary, share relevant resources, links, or step-by-step instructions to assist them effectively. Offering valuable information demonstrates your expertise and dedication to providing meaningful support.
  • Encourage Community Involvement: Leverage the collective knowledge and experiences of your community members by encouraging them to help one another. Foster a culture where members can contribute their insights, offer advice, and share their experiences to support fellow community members. Encouraging community involvement not only lightens the load on your support team but also strengthens the community’s bonds and fosters a sense of camaraderie.

Case Study: Drunk Elephant’s Community Involvement for Ecommerce Growth


By focusing on community involvement and encouraging members to support one another, Drunk Elephant created a strong and engaged community that has played a pivotal role in their ecommerce success. The brand’s commitment to providing a supportive environment, recognizing member contributions, and leveraging user-generated content has fostered brand loyalty, generated positive word-of-mouth, and driven customer engagement. Through community involvement, Drunk Elephant has not only grown its ecommerce business but also built a community that is passionate about skincare and dedicated to the brand’s mission.

Drunk Elephant has created a strong community that not only supports its customers but also contributes to the brand’s overall success.

  • Creating a Supportive Community:
  • Empowering Community Members:
  • Recognizing and Celebrating Member Contributions:
  • Providing Expert Guidance:
  • Encouraging User-Generated Content:
  • Utilizing Feedback for Product Development


Drunk Elephant recognized the importance of building a supportive and inclusive community. They established a dedicated online community platform where customers could connect, share their skincare journeys, and seek advice. The brand cultivated a positive environment where everyone felt welcome and valued, fostering a sense of camaraderie among community members.


Building an online community for your ecommerce business is a powerful growth hack that can propel your brand to new heights. By following the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can lay a solid foundation for creating a thriving and engaged community. From choosing the right platform to providing valuable content, encouraging community involvement, and delivering exceptional customer support, each step is crucial in nurturing a strong community that drives ecommerce growth.

Remember, building an online community is not just about transactions; it’s about building relationships. By fostering a sense of belonging, encouraging member interactions, and recognizing their contributions, you can cultivate a loyal customer base that becomes your brand’s strongest advocates. Your community members will not only support your business but also play an active role in its success.

As you embark on this journey, keep in mind that building an online community takes time and effort. It requires consistent engagement, active listening, and continuous improvement based on member feedback. By staying committed to creating a positive and supportive environment, you will foster a community where members feel valued, empowered, and connected to your brand.

So, take the leap and start building your online community today. Embrace the power of collaboration, authenticity, and shared experiences. Encourage your community members to connect, share, learn, and grow together. As your community flourishes, so will your ecommerce business, as you tap into the collective knowledge, enthusiasm, and loyalty of your community members.

Remember, building an online community is a journey, and the possibilities are endless. So, get started, be patient, and watch as your online community becomes a catalyst for your ecommerce growth, driving brand awareness, customer loyalty, and ultimately, success in the digital landscape.

Now, it’s time to bring your ecommerce growth hack to life by building an exceptional online community. Get ready to connect, engage, and thrive together with your community as you embark on an exciting journey of growth, learning, and shared success. Happy community building!